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Title: SEL 24979 Walters Final Report 28 April 2006 to 8 July 2011
Title Holder / Company: Giants Reef Exploration
Emmerson Resources
Report id: CR2011-1153
Tenure: SEL24979
Year: 2011
Author: Walters, A
Abstract: Emmerson's considers the area covered by SEL 24979, now covered by EL 28602 and EL 28603 to be highly prospective. During 2010 Emmerson applied the VRMI concept to the area revealing extensive VRMI anomalism. Drilling of this anomalism confirmed the presence of ironstone, although assay results were mixed. Emmerson's application of HeliTEM and the success of the 'Proof of Concept' drilling of HeliTEM anomalies in the Gecko Area has increased the potential for SEL 24979. Emmerson will continue with 'Proof of Concept' drilling during 2012, should success continue then during 2012 and 2013, Emmerson will look to conduct further HeliTEM surveys of its highest ranked prospective areas, SEL 24979 would be one of these, with the aim of identifying areas HeliTEM targets within the VRMI anomalism for drill testing. Emmerson considers SEL 24979 to be highly prospective and is encouraged by early interpretations of the HeliTEM and VRMI data and will continue exploration over the area under the newly granted EL 28602 and EL 28603.
NOTESee CR2009-0337 and CR2011-0295 for Geophysics Data
Date Added: 18-Jun-2019
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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