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Title: Joint Final Surrender Report EL 24709 and EL 24710 Wave Hill Poject 30 December 2005 to 30 December 2011
Title Holder / Company: Australian Mineral Mines
Report id: CR2011-1053
Tenure: EL24709;  EL24710
Year: 2011
Author: Thomson, C
Abstract: Australian Mineral Mines Pty Ltd explored EL 24709 and EL 24710 Wave Hill for prehnite, agate, amethystine and smoky quartz mineralisation within Lower Cambrian Antrim Plateau Volcanics. These Materials are increasingly becoming popular within the jewellery, lapidary and mineral markets and AMM sought to discover significant sources to sell to growing markets. Exploration work on the lease included; Geological Mapping, literature review, submission of a Mine Management Plan and organizing a Security Bond; Sacred Site Searches and other Native Title Issues; a field reconnaissance trip; a field sampling trip (10 tonnes of prehnite hand collected); transportation of samples to Melbourne; cutting and polishing of prehnite samples; shipping of 2 tonnes of prehnite to Los Angeles for marketing and research purposes.
Date Added: 28-May-2019
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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