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Title: Annual report for Gidyea EL 27821 for the period 26 August 2010 to 25 August 2011
Title Holder / Company: Imperial Granite and Minerals
Report id: CR2011-1027
Tenure: EL27821
Year: 2011
Author: Green, M
Abstract: EL 27821 'Gidyea' covers part of the southern margin of the Warramunga Province and the northeastern margin of the Davenport Province. Historic work in the area has suggested that it is highly prospective for Au related to ferruginous siltstone, and Co associated with mafic intrusions. The area may also be prospective for quartz vein-hosted gold mineralisation and surficial iron enrichment. There has been much confusion as to whether the Gidyea Cu-Au-Co Prospect refers to the area in the Gidyea Gabbro where EG-DDH1 was drilled. It would appear that drilling the Gidyea Gabbro was based on interpreting the magnetic anomaly as a Tennant Creek-style ironstone, despite immediate outcrops of gabbro. Therefore, the precise location of the auriferous siltstone and hence the Gidyea Cu-Au-Co Prospect is poorly constrained. All ferruginous siltstone in the area should be tested.
Date Added: 28-May-2019
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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