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Title: Annual report ML 24510 for period ending 6 September 2011
Title Holder / Company: Stirling Zircon
Matilda Zircon
Report id: CR2011-0884
Tenure: ML24510
Year: 2011
Author: Unknown
Abstract: ML 24510 is bounded on three sides by Andranangoo Creek, the sea, and little Andranangoo Creek, and takes in the whole of the coastal plain on this section of the coastline. Exploration in previous years has tested the complete area of coastal plain and there are no exploration targets remaining to be tested. Operations at Andranangoo have been on a care and maintenance basis for the reporting period, (07/09/2010 - 06/09/2011). Staff and contractors cleaned up the processing and camp areas during the period and maintained a monthly monitoring program at the site. Staff travelled from the company's operations at Lethbridge Bay on ML 24511 to perform these tasks. Activities on the site included monitoring of the rehabilitated area, spraying of weed species, removal of introduced weeds in the rehabilitated area, cleanup of the camp and processing site.
Date Added: 13-May-2019
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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