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Title: Annual report EL 26055 period 5 September 2009 to 4 September 2010
Title Holder / Company: Fertoz
FSL World Holdings
Report id: CR2010-0780
Tenure: EL26055
Year: 2010
Author: Jettner, WA
Abstract: In the latter part of October 2010 EL 26055 was purchased by Fertoz Pty Ltd from the previous titleholders FSL World Holdings Pty Ltd. The EL consists of 499 graticular blocks, (1647 km2) located in the Barkly Region of the Northern Territory. The new titleholders consider the licence area to be favourable for the discovery of phosphate deposits of a similar nature to that to the north Alroy, 14Mt at 20% P2O5, and Alexandria 15Mt at 10% P2O5) and to the south, Wonarah and Arruwurra, 1258Mt at 12% P2O5). The giant Wonarah Phosphate project of Minemakers Ltd is located immediately to the south of EL 26055 and will extend to the north into the Fertoz exploration licences here. Fertoz Pty Ltd has commissioned Minesite Services Australia to report on this and other licences purchased as part of the newly purchased tenement package which consists of 17 granted ELs and 12 EL applications.
Date Added: 21-Nov-2018
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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