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dc.contributor.authorMelville, Pen_US
dc.description.abstractThe subject tenement originally consisted of 133 sub-blocks when granted on 15 August 2013 to Crossland Nickel Pty Ltd (Crossland) and Panconoz Pty Ltd. The latter entity was purchased by the current JV partner, Essential Mining Resources Pty Ltd. (EMR) in 2016. Crossland holds a 56.28% and EMR 43.72% ownership of the licence. Both companies are wholly owned by Crossland Strategic Metals Limited (Crossland), the Operator of the Charley Creek Project. Prior to this action the licence was voluntarily reduced to 68 sub-blocks on the 17 September 2017. Crossland / EMR was issued with a Partial Cancellation Notice (Loss of Block Penalty) from the Department of Primary Industry and Resources Mines and Energy (DPIR) on the 27 March 2018. The penalty relates to two consecutive years of underspend on the licence. The number of sub-blocks subject to the cancellation was 19, leaving 49 sub-blocks. No exploration activities have been carried out within the area relinquished.en_US
dc.subject.classificationRare earth elementsen_US
dc.titleCharley Creek Partial cancellation report for EL 29853 for the period 15 August 2013 to 27 April 2018en_US
dc.relation.isatmap100Anburla 5551en_US
dc.relation.isatmap100Burt 5651en_US
dc.relation.isatmap250Alice Springs SF5314en_US
dc.relation.isatmap250Hermannsburg SF5313en_US
dc.relation.isatgeolprovinceArunta Regionen_US
dc.relation.isatgeolprovinceAileron Provinceen_US
dc.contributor.holderCrossland Nickelen_US
dc.contributor.holderEssential Mining Resourcesen_US
dc.contributor.holderCrossland Strategic Metalsen_US
dc.identifier.collectionnameMinerals Exploration Reports (MEX)en_US
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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