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dc.description.abstractThe SEEBASE Study and GIS provides maps of basement terranes, depth to basement (SEEBASE surface), base of Wilton package, depth to Moho, basement thickness and total sediment thickness in GIS format and is accompanied by a comprehensive report outlining methods and major findings for the greater McArthur Basin. The greater McArthur Basin is a Palaeo to Mesoproterozoic basin that contains key stratigraphic intervals prospective for both petroleum and mineral resources. Numerous studies since the late 1990s have recognised stratigraphic correlations between the McArthur Basin, Birrindudu Basin and Tomkinson province, the outcropping and undercover extent of these contiguous regional correlatives are informally referred to as the greater McArthur Basin.en_US
dc.publisherNorthern Territory Geological Surveyen_US
dc.rights.uri<a href="" target="_blank">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International</a> (CC BY 4.0). Please observe and retain any copyright or related notices that accompany this material and give attribution to: Northern Territory of Australia (Northern Territory Geological Survey).en_US
dc.titleSEEBASE Study and GIS for greater McArthur Basinen_US
dc.typeNTGS Digital Information Packageen_US
dc.typeGIS Dataen_US
dc.relation.isatgeolprovinceMcArthur Basinen_US
dc.relation.isatgeolprovinceBeetaloo Sub-basinen_US
dc.relation.isatgeolprovinceTomkinson Provinceen_US
dc.description.stratnameTawallah Groupen_US
dc.description.stratnameMcArthur Groupen_US
dc.description.stratnameNathan Groupen_US
dc.description.stratnameRoper Groupen_US
dc.description.stratnameAntrim Plateau Volcanicsen_US
dc.description.stratnameDerim Derim Doleriteen_US
dc.description.publicnotesDIP017 datasets are supplied in MapInfo TAB file and ESRI SHP file formats. You will need suitable GIS software installed to use this product.en_US
dc.description.publicnotesDownload DIP017 from the 'Download-Link' file (11 GB)en_US
dc.description.publicnotesRequest DIP017 from the InfoCentre using 'Add to Request'. Please INDICATE the preferred GIS file format.en_US
dc.contributor.corpauthorFrogtech Geoscienceen_US
dc.identifier.collectionnameDigital Information Packages-
dc.description.otherlinks<a href="" target="_blank">DIP018 - SEEBASE Study and GIS for greater McArthur Basin: Supplementary Data [85.2GB]</a>en_US
dc.format.gisESRI SHPen_US
dc.relation.formatisgisversionMapInfo, 03/07/2018en_US
dc.relation.formatisgisversionESRI SHP, 15/03/2018en_US
Appears in Collections:Digital Information Packages

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