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Title: Annual and Final report for EL 31095 year ending 24 August 2017
Title Holder / Company: Arafura Resources
Report id: CR2017-0420
Tenure: EL31095
Year: 2017
Author: Hussey, KJ
Abstract: EL 31095 was granted to Arafura Resources on 25 August 2016 for a period of six years. The tenement is located on the ALCOOTA 1:250,000 geological map sheet about 45 km northeast of Aileron, 35 km southeast of Ti Tree and 150 km north of Alice Springs in the Northern Territory. EL 31095 is covered by Recent aelioan and alluvial sands overlying the Cainozoic Ti Tree Basin. The tenement was selected to test for REE-enriched heavy minerals derived from the nearby Arunta basement rocks however an analysis of airborne radiometric surveys and a comparison with other tenements in the area downgraded the REE potential of this tenement. The tenement was surrendered without any on-ground work.
Date Added: 31-Jan-2018
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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