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dc.contributor.authorMcGloin, MVen_US
dc.contributor.authorMatchan, Een_US
dc.contributor.authorPhillips, Den_US
dc.identifier.govdocNTGS Record 2017-013en_US
dc.identifier.isbn9780724573240 (PDF)en_US
dc.description.abstractThis Record details 40Ar/39Ar step-heating analysis of hornblende sampled from the polymetallic Cu-Pb (Zn-Ag-Au) Johnnies Reward prospect, ALICE SPRINGS, in Aileron Province, central Australia. A sample of hornblende (AS15MVM034) was collected from an outcropping quartz vein associated with pegmatite intrusions that cross-cut the Cadney Metamorphics and mineralisation at the prospect. Hornblende was dated to determine the timing of vein formation and any potential overprinting episodes of fluid-flow and/or metamorphism. If the quartz vein is pegmatite-related, any age yielded may date pegmatite emplacement. Because the sampled quartz vein cross-cuts the mineralised host assemblage, dating of the hornblende will also constrain a minimum age for mineralisation at the prospect.en_US
dc.description.abstractHornblende from sample AS15MVM034 produced a discordant age spectrum of anomalously old apparent ages of ca 3.8 -1.6 Ga for the low-temperature steps (steps 1-3), decreasing to ca 900-800 Ma (steps 4-5), and then to ~650 -600 Ma for the remaining 55% of the gas release profile (steps 6-12). Inverse isochron ages for the same sample (making no assumption about initial 40Ar/36Ar sample values) produced concordant data for the mid- to high-temperature (steps 6 to 12), and revealed the presence of excess argon in the sample. This indicates that age spectrum ages (which are calculated assuming an atmospheric initial 40Ar/36Ar ratio) are verestimated. The inverse isochron age generated through steps 6 to 12 is 428 ± 31 Ma (2s; MSWD = 1.6, probability of fit = 0.16). This age is consistent with the timing of the ca 450-300 Ma Alice Springs Orogeny and provides a minimum age constraint for mineralisation at Johnnies Reward.en_US
dc.publisherNorthern Territory Geological Surveyen_US
dc.rights.uri<a href="" target="_blank">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International</a> (CC BY 4.0). Please observe and retain any copyright or related notices that accompany this material and give attribution to: Northern Territory of Australia (Northern Territory Geological Survey).en_US
dc.titleSummary of results. 40Ar/39Ar step-heating hornblende dating, Johnnies Reward prospect, Strangways Range, Aileron Provinceen_US
dc.typeNTGS Recorden_US
dc.relation.isatmap250Alice Springs SF5314en_US
dc.relation.isatgeolprovinceAileron Provinceen_US
dc.relation.isatgeolprovinceArunta Regionen_US
dc.description.mineprospectnameJohnnies Rewarden_US
dc.identifier.collectionnameReports, Records, Books
dc.identifier.govdocprefixNTGS Record 2017en_US
Appears in Collections:Reports, Records, Books

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