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Title: Annual report for EL 24609 Wonarah, for the period ending 5 February 2007
Title Holder / Company: Minemakers Australia
Report id: CR2007-0092
Tenure: EL24609
Year: 2007
Author: Drummond, AJ
Abstract: EL 24609 forms part of Minemakers' Wonarah Phosphate Project, located on the Barkly Highway 260 km east of Tennant Creek in the Northern Territory, Australia. Minemakers holds 100% interest in this tenement. The Wonarah phosphate deposit was purchased by Minemakers from Indo Mines Limited (formerly AKD Limited) in 2006 and Indo retains a 10% vendor claw-back right with respect to EL's 9976, 9978, 9979, 22168 and 24562. The Wonarah Phosphate deposit was discovered in 1967 and the Indo-Rio Tinto joint venture drilled up a rock phosphate resource estimated at a JORC-compliant 72Mt at 23% P2O5 (at a cut off grade of 15%). The known phosphate resource does not lie within EL 24609. During the reporting period, Minemakers has carried out data compilation and review in order to plan a program of scout reconnaissance drilling during the 2007 field season.
Date Added: 11-Sep-2017
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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