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Title: Combined technical report for EL 22966, EL 22967, EL 22968, EL 22970, EL 23605, EL 24127 and EL 24262, for the period ending 1 May 2006
Title Holder / Company: Teelow, MD
Report id: CR2006-0152
Tenure: EL22966;  EL22967;  EL22968;  EL22970;  EL23605;  EL24127;  EL24262
Year: 2006
Author: Smith, BR
Abstract: The Moline tenement group comprises EL's 22966, 22967, 22968, 22970, 23605, 24127, 24262 and MLN1059. MLN 1059 contains the Hercules and Moline pits, along with smaller satellite pits, and is not discussed within this report. Group reporting for the EL's was granted in May 2006. GBS subsidiary Terra Gold Mining Ltd have an option agreement with Michael Teelow to explore and prospect for minerals within the tenements. Company changes (from acquiring Northern Gold NL, and 100% control of the Burnside JV) have limited the amount of work conducted on the tenements to date. Exploration in the past year has consisted of a literature review, identifying geochemical datasets covering the tenements, database compilation by a geochemical consultant, and planning of exploration (including drilling) for this field season.
Date Added: 28-Jun-2017
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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