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Title: EL24281 Charley Creek Target, Annual report 7 February 2005 to 6 February 2006
Title Holder / Company: Crossland Mines
Report id: CR2006-0130
Tenure: EL24281
Year: 2006
Author: Eupene, GS
Abstract: The Charley Creek Target (EL24281) is located 100km west north west of Alice Springs along the Tanami Road, and centred about 8km south west of Milton Park Homestead. The area was selected primarily on the basis of its prospectivity for deposits of copper/ nickel. A preliminary reconnaissance to evaluate this was completed. There may be potential for sediment -hosted uranium deposits within younger sediments draining from the radioactive Teapot Granite in the hinterland of the area. The surface geology is dominated by younger sediments which may have variable cover over the underlying metamorphic terrain of the Narwietooma Metamorphic Complex. During the initial phase of the EL24281, work consisted of: - Literature research of previous exploration, geological survey and geophysical survey over the EL and surrounding district. - Data compilation. - Acquisition and interpretation of departmental geological and airborne geophysical data sets. - Preliminary field reconnaissance program. Results of the field reconnaissance are not available at the time of writing. During the next phase of exploration of EL24281, the following work will be completed: - Further study of available data on the regional setting - Additional Field geological reconnaissance, . - Reconnaissance magnetic and radiometric traverses. -Analysis by low level scans for 63 elements including precious metals and platinoids. - Interpretation of results. - detailed magnetic, radiometric and EM surveys of the target area will be considered if the reconnaissance suggests this is warranted. - Reporting, planning and budgeting.
Date Added: 27-Jun-2017
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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