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Title: Bootu Creek Manganese Project Annual exploration report for EL 10412 (5th Year) 21 September 2005 to 20 September 2006 and EL 22428 (4th Year) 4 September 2005 to 3 September 2006
Title Holder / Company: OM Manganese
Report id: CR2006-0393
Tenure: EL10412;  EL22428
Year: 2006
Author: Reddell, C
Abstract: The planned exploration strategy for EL 10412 is to complete the data processing and geophysical modelling of the Hoist-EM survey, and to evaluate and interpret remote sensing and multi-spectral survey data, including Aster. Interpretation of above data would be followed by geological inspection and mapping, structural interpretation and selection of priority targets to drill test. The planned exploration strategy for EL 22428 is to complete the data processing and geophysical modelling of the Hoist-EM survey, and to evaluate and interpret remote sensing and multi-spectral survey data, including Aster. Interpretation of above data would be followed by geological inspection and mapping, structural interpretation and selection of priority targets to drill test.
NOTEAdditional geophysics datasets are available on request
Date Added: 27-Jun-2017
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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