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dc.contributor.authorHall, Sen_US
dc.contributor.authorKobiolke, Pen_US
dc.description.abstractRenison Consolidated Mines NL has been developing an exploration strategy in the Northern Territory since 1999. This strategy includes targeting dislocations that host economic gold mineralisation within regional structures that intersect known stratigraphical and structural features of the Pine Creek Geosyncline. EL 24288 forms a part of a regional package of tenements (AuQuest Project), dominantly covering what the Company has called the Noonamah-Corroboree trend. Processing of Northern Territory Government supplied 400m spaced aeromagnetic and radiometric data has significantly enhanced the detail of the underlying geology and the subsequent interpretation of the prospectivity of that area. Approximately $2.5m has been spent on ground at Tom's Gully and other tenements within the AuQuest Project, as part of the company's exploration strategy, over the previous 18-month period. The Feasibility Study on Tom's Gully Underground has been completed and underground development started in September 2005 with the mill to commence processing in late April 2006. Quest 29 and Tom's Gully are part of the AuQuest project, which covers approximately 1000 square kilometres of exploration licenses including EL 24288. It is expected that exploration on these EL's will find additional open cut ores which can be treated through the Tom's Gully plant and exploration has focused on these EL's and targets during 2005. Work completed on this tenement has comprised literature reviews and initial data entry to GIS of historical work.en_US
dc.subject.classificationLiterature reviewsen_US
dc.titleAnnual report on EL 24288, period beginning 4 April 2005 and ending 3 April 2006en_US
dc.relation.isatmap100Mary River 5272en_US
dc.relation.isatmap250Darwin SD5204en_US
dc.relation.isatgeolprovincePine Creek Orogenen_US
dc.description.stratnameMount Partridge Group, South Alligator Group, Mount Bonnie Formation, Burrell Creek Formation, Zamu Doleriteen_US
dc.description.mineprospectnameShauns Finden_US
dc.description.mineprospectnameSnake Hillen_US
dc.description.mineprospectnameQuest 30 Prospecten_US
dc.description.mineprospectnameQuest 29en_US
dc.description.mineprospectnameQuest 44en_US
dc.contributor.holderRenison Consolidated Minesen_US
dc.identifier.collectionnameMinerals Exploration Reports (MEX)en_US
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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