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Title: Second annual report for EL 23846, 9 February 2005 to 8 February 2006
Title Holder / Company: Sitzler Savage
Report id: CR2006-0147
Tenure: EL23846
Year: 2006
Author: Savage, J
Abstract: Exploration Licence 23846 is considered to be highly prospective with several large producers located within 10 km of its boundaries. Recent geophysical data processing and interpretation together with literature survey and geological mapping shows potential for gold and base metal mineralisation and further exploration work is justified to test this potential. Based on geophysical and geological interpretation, it is recommended that 40 of the 79 sub-blocks be relinquished. Further geological, geophysical and geochemical work is recommended for the forthcoming year to determine the resources potential of the remaining 39 sub-blocks within the licence
Date Added: 6-Jun-2017
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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