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Title: Year 4 Annual report for EL 10120, 15 August 2005 to 14 August 2006 Priscilla
Title Holder / Company: Biddlecombe, RM
Report id: CR2006-0400
Tenure: EL10120
Year: 2006
Author: Biddlecombe, RM
Abstract: This EL and the mining tenements it includes are being explored and worked for alluvial gold. Three bulk samples of approximately 150 tonnes each were taken. The lower 300 mm from each sample graded 0.35 g/t gold. Mining is to commence on claims within the area of the EL during October 2006. Areas in the EL not covered by claims will be further tested for alluvial material by costeans and bulk samples. All bedrock exposed is inspected for mineralisation and sampled where necessary.
Date Added: 5-Jun-2017
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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