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dc.contributor.authorMuir, Men_US
dc.description.abstractMining operations undertaken by Newmont Tanami Pty Ltd on MLS 154, Dead Bullock Soak, produced for the calendar year to December 2005, 348,361 ounces of gold. Gold was treated at the mill facility in MLS 8 The Granites. Ore milled from MLS154 during the year came from mining of the Callie underground resource (Callie UG ROM and Callie UG LG and the stockpile from the Callie pit. Exploration drilling targets on MLS 154 tested the Wilson, Federation and Callie systems for conceptual targets. A sequence stratigraphy study undertaken in conjunction with Geoscience Australia has been completed. The report is appended. It utilizes geochemical samples from pre-existing MLS 154 drill holes to provide a classification for rock type recognition outside the lease. A shallow high resolution 10 km 2D seismic line was completed on MLS 154 in July 2005. The survey delineated major 1st order feature, the resolution and apparent interference caused by reflectors caused problems in interpreting finer scale features that are necessary to generating exploration targets on the MLS 154 lease. An Honours thesis was completed in 2005 by Jeff Bigelow looking at the geochemistry and petrology of the Callie gold mineralisation.en_US
dc.subject.classificationGold oresen_US
dc.subject.classificationGold productionen_US
dc.subject.classificationQuartz veinsen_US
dc.subject.classificationSeismic surveysen_US
dc.subject.classificationSequence stratigraphyen_US
dc.subject.classificationSeismic Interpretationen_US
dc.titleAnnual report for MLS 154 'Dead Bullock soak', for the year to 11 February 2006en_US
dc.relation.isatmap100Inningarra 4856en_US
dc.relation.isatmap250The Granites SF5203en_US
dc.relation.isatgeolprovinceTanami Regionen_US
dc.description.stratnameDead Bullock Formationen_US
dc.description.drilling45 surface diamond holes, 7 underground holesen_US
dc.description.mineprospectnameDead Bullock Soaken_US
dc.contributor.holderNewmont Australiaen_US
dc.identifier.collectionnameMinerals Exploration Reports (MEX)en_US
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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