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Title: 1964 Tarlton Downs Ground Gravity Survey - Acquisition, Processing & Interpretation Report
Title Holder / Company: Alliance Petroleum
Report id: PR1964-0005
Tenure: OP63
Year: 1964
Corporate Author: Wongela Geophysical
Abstract: The 1964 Tralton Downs Ground Gravity Survey was carried out by Wongela Geophysical Pty Ltd on behalf of Alliance Petroleum Australia NL within OP63, in the south-western margin of the Georgina Basin. The survey consisted of a regional survey to check large known or suspected structural features, the evidence for which was based on regional geology, aeromagnetic data and previous reconnaissance gravity work. It also involved a detailed survey over four anticlinal structures known from surface geological mapping.
The survey was not successful in showing up the few well defined geological structures known in this part of the Georgina Basin. The revised regional Bouguer gravity shows three significant highs. These may represent broad gentle closed structures at depth.
Document Type: Gravity Survey
Date Added: 23-Mar-2017
Appears in Collections:Petroleum Geophysical Surveys (PEX Geophysics)

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