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Title: Interpretation Report on Airborne Magnetometer Survey
Title Holder / Company: Roset
Report id: PR1963-0009
Tenure: OP82
Year: 1963
Corporate Author: Aero Service Ltd
Abstract: Crystalline basement is exposed in the southern and northern ends of the survey area. A basement depression between these two areas reaches a depth of 7000 feet below sea level. The Amadeus Trough in this area may be a down thrown fault block containing a wedge of sediments.
Document Type: Magnetic Survey
Date Added: 23-Mar-2017
Appears in Collections:Petroleum Geophysical Surveys (PEX Geophysics)

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PR19630009_Bloods_Range_AMS_1963_Intrepretation_Report.pdf427.21 kBPDF Add
Total_Magnetic_Intensity_Map.pdf579.05 kBPDF Add

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