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Title: EL 30309 Hale River Annual report for the period 27 January 2015 to 26 January 2016
Title Holder / Company: Williams Exploration Consulting
Report id: CR2016-0174
Tenure: EL30309
Year: 2016
Author: Williams, B
Abstract: EL was granted in January 2015. Three arsenic anomalies, HR1 West and HR1 East (the Normandy Hi Jinx anomaly) both in the limestone-siltstone sequence of the Ringwood Member of the Aralka Formation and RO2 in glacial derived sediments of the Olympic Formation have been sampled as bottom-of-hole cuttings from power auger holes drilled to refusal (normally bedrock) at 50m intervals, locally closed to 25m, along 5 traverses at HR1 West and one each at HR1East and RO2. Geochemical analysis has been for 40+ elements following aqua regia digestion. Continuous lag samples taken along 50m intervals straddling the auger holes have yet to be analysed. At HR1 West, As, Sb and Tl are anomalous and Au, Mo, Cu and Pb weakly so within a 300m wide, 1 km long zone paralleling the strike of the rocks, mainly calcareous siltstone and silty limestone. Tl/K ratio is negative through much of the zone, Sr/Tl positive, with both of these signatures said to be used as indicators of Au mineralisation in Nevada. HR1 results are suggestive of being related to Carlin-like mineralisation. HR1 East results showing a weak Cu-Pb-Zn-As-Mn anomaly is more suggestive of SEDEX mineralisation. RO2 showed no anomalous values and it is concluded that the Normandy anomaly, where auger drilled, may have resulted from downhill displacement of lag. A diamond drill hole seeking confirmation of the mineralisation type in alteration and through geochemistry is proposed for HR1 West.
Date Added: 22-Dec-2016
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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