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Title: EL 27542 Tenement summary report for the period 24 March 2010 to 23 March 2011
Title Holder / Company: Universal Splendour Investments
Report id: CR2011-0189
Tenure: EL27542
Year: 2011
Author: Finn, M
Street, G
Abstract: Universal Splendour Investments hold exploration license EL 27542 which is one of seven EL's in the region collectively referred to as the Amadeus project area. This block of tenements is located in the southern portion of the Northern Territory, approximately 90km southwest of Alice Springs. A desktop study was undertaken on the Amadeus project area (Lindsay-Park, 2010). This report contains a brief summary of the geology and previous exploration on the project area. This report builds on the previous report and refines the understanding of any potential mineralisation within the tenements. Trace amounts of Mn are recorded throughout the region. The source of the Mn is unclear but early indications suggest that the Madderns Yard Metamorphic Complex and the Bitter Springs Formation. A study of the geology indicates that conditions have existed for deposition of Mn in a shallow water environment where the anoxic conditions are disturbed during periods of marine transgression and regression. Both Mn oxide and carbonate mineralisation may be possible. A source of marine Mn is in the Palaeoproterozoic to Mesoproterozoic Madderns Yard Metamorphic Complex of the Arunta Block crystalline basement Support for this interpretation is provided by several Mn occurrences clustered within this Formation along strike to the east. The Fenn Gap occurrence, averaging 39% Mn, is sub-vertical and consists of pyrolusite-stained brecciated dolostone. The mineralisation is limited to the surface and appears fault-controlled (Ferenczi, 2001). There is high potential for uranium deposits in the Amadeus Basin.
Date Added: 9-Aug-2016
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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