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Title: Annual report for the period 6 January 2010 to 5 January 2011 EL 398 Slippery Creek
Title Holder / Company: Rio Tinto Exploration
Report id: CR2011-0004
Tenure: EL398
Year: 2011
Author: Blake, JR
Abstract: Exploration completed for bauxite during the reporting year included: Land owner negotiations; Hand-auger drilling (19 holes); and Surface rock sampling (10 samples). BHPB have access to the tenement to conducty concurrent exoploration activities for managanese. During the reporting period, BHPB submitted a proposal to the NLC and conducted landowner surveys however no ground work was completed.
Date Added: 8-Aug-2016
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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EL398_2011_A_01.pdf3.61 MBPDF Add
EL398_2011_A_02_drillcollars.txt3.13 kBText Add
EL398_2011_A_03_lithology.txt2.79 kBText Add
EL398_2011_A_04_downholegeochem.txt5.09 kBText Add
EL398_2011_A_05_rockgeochem.txt2.81 kBText Add
EL398_2011_A_06_SlipperyCreekMMP.pdf130.79 kBPDF Add
EL398_2011_A_07_pAl11_001.pdf264.37 kBPDF Add
EL398_2011_A_08_pAl11_002.pdf561.96 kBPDF Add
EL398_2011_A_09_pAl11_003.pdf264.52 kBPDF Add
EL398_2011_A_10_pAl11_004.pdf102.96 kBPDF Add
EL398_2011_A_11_pAl10_005.pdf2.89 MBPDF Add

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