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dc.description.abstractDIP001 includes drillhole collars, drillhole sample assays, drillhole downhole survey, drillhole maximum assays, rock samples, soil samples and stream sediment sample data from industry statutory reports and from NTGS projects. The selected datasets provide an overview of the geochemistry and drilling of the Northern Territory. NT Geochemistry and Drilling Data Package layers are provided in ESRI SHP and geodatabase, MapInfo tab and csv file formats, bundled into ArcMap document file (mxd) and MapInfo workspace (wor) respectively for ease of use. Complete raw geochemistry files (including assay repeats) and associated laboratory metadata are also included in csv format.en_US
dc.publisherNorthern Territory Geological Surveyen_US
dc.relation.isversionofNovember 2024en_US
dc.rights.uri<a href="" target="_blank">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International</a> (CC BY 4.0). Please observe and retain any copyright or related notices that accompany this material and give attribution to: Northern Territory of Australia (Northern Territory Geological Survey).en_US
dc.titleNorthern Territory geochemical datasetsen_US
dc.typeNTGS Digital Information Packageen_US
dc.typeGIS Dataen_US
dc.description.publicnotesUpdates including additional legacy data and new data are released in DIP001 bi-annually. More regular updates of all data, except drillhole samples assays and downhole survey data, are available for download from STRIKE.en_US
dc.identifier.collectionnameDigital Information Packagesen_US
dc.description.otherlinks<a href="" target="_blank">STRIKE</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">NT wide geoscience datasets</a>en_US
dc.format.gisESRI SHPen_US
dc.relation.formatisgisversionMapInfo, 19/11/2024en_US
dc.relation.formatisgisversionESRI SHP, 19/11/2024en_US
Appears in Collections:Digital Information Packages

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