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Results 1-19 of 19 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).
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Item hits:
YearTitleTitle Holder/CompanyReport idPreviewDownload
1972Results of drilling and trenching Charlotte Range proposed ballast site temporary mining reserve No. 341, N.T.-GS1972-0211 file
1972The Stokes yard base metal prospect, Hermannsburg-GS1972-0251 file
1972The phlogopite mine base metal prospect, Strangways Range : Alice Springs 1:250,000 sheet area SF53-14, Northern Territory-GS1972-0121 file
1972The Docker River copper prospects, Petermann Reserve : Bloods Range 1:250,000 sheet area SG52-3, Northern Territory-GS1972-0071 file
1972Diamond drilling, Maranboy tinfield, 1970-1971-GS1972-0041 file
1972Investigation of railway ballast sites, mining reserve no. 344, James Ranges, Northern Territory-GS1972-0091 file
1972Port Keats, Northern Territory : explanatory notes--thumbnail.jpg 
1972Calvert Hills, Northern Territory : explanatory notes--thumbnail.jpg 
1972Petermann Ranges, Northern Territory : explanatory notes--thumbnail.jpg 
1972Lake Mackay, Northern Territory : explanatory notes--thumbnail.jpg 
1972Mount Doreen, Northern Territory : explanatory notes--thumbnail.jpg 
1972Cape Scott, Northern Territory : explanatory notes--thumbnail.jpg 
1972Port Keats, Northern Territory : sheet SD5211--PtKeatsGeol250k.pdf.jpg3 files
1972Delamere, Northern Territory : explanatory notes--thumbnail.jpg 
1972Fergusson River, Northern Territory : sheet SD5212--FergussonRvrGeol250k.pdf.jpg3 files
1972Fergusson River, Northern Territory : explanatory notes--thumbnail.jpg 
1972Limbunya, Northern Territory : explanatory notes--thumbnail.jpg 
1972Auvergne, Northern Territory : explanatory notes--thumbnail.jpg 
1972Napperby, Northern Territory : explanatory notes--thumbnail.jpg 
Results 1-19 of 19 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).
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