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Results 1-24 of 24 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).
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YearTitleTitle Holder/CompanyReport idPreviewDownload
2021Geological interpretation and structural analysis of the northwest Aileron and southwest Davenport provinces-DIP035thumbnail.jpg3 files
2021Geophysical interpretation of the Tanami Region, northern Aileron and southwest Davenport provinces--1 file
2018AusAEM Year 1 NT/QLD: TEMPEST(R) airborne electromagnetic data and Em Flow(R) conductivity estimates--thumbnail.jpg 
1999Bonney Well : magnetics and radiometrics survey--Bonney_Well_part_A_Mag_Rad_Logistics_Report.pdf.jpg5 files
2013Summary of results. Joint NTGS-GA geochronology project: Arunta Region, Davenport Province and Pine Creek Orogen July 2009 - June 2011-NTGS Record file
2000Landsat 7 : NT Scene 102/74 (26/03/00) file
2000Landsat 7 : NT Scene 101/75 (26/03/00) file
2000Landsat 7 : NT Scene 103/74 (23/09/99) file
2024Rock property dataset of the Northern Territory-DIP013DIP013-Summary.pdf.jpg3 files
1970Bonney Well, Northern Territory : explanatory notes--thumbnail.jpg 
1987Frew River, Northern Territory : explanatory notes--FrewRiverExplan250k.pdf.jpg1 file
2013Geology and mineral resources of the Northern Territory: Warramunga Province--GNT_Ch09_Warram.pdf.jpg1 file
1986Bonney Well , Northern Territory : sheet SF5302--BonneyWellGeol250k.pdf.jpg3 files
1986Devils Marbles Region, Northern Territory--DevilsMarblesGeol100k.pdf.jpg4 files
2013Geology and mineral resources of the Northern Territory-NTGS Special Publication 5thumbnail.jpg1 file
2010Frew River , Northern Territory : sheet SF5303--FrewRvrGeol250k.pdf.jpg3 files
1987Bonney Well, Northern Territory : explanatory notes--BonneyWellExplan250k.pdf.jpg1 file
2013Geology and mineral resources of the Northern Territory: Davenport Province--GNT_Ch10_Davenport.pdf.jpg1 file
2001Tennant Creek : gravity survey--TennantCreek_Gravity_Logistics_Report.pdf.jpg2 files
1988Elkedra, Northern Territory : explanatory notes--ElkedraExplan250k.pdf.jpg1 file
1987Devils Marbles Region, Northern Territory : explanatory notes--thumbnail.jpg 
1988Elkedra , Northern Territory : sheet SF5307--ElkedraGeol250k.pdf.jpg3 files
1964Frew River, Northern Territory : explanatory notes--thumbnail.jpg 
1966Elkedra, Northern Territory : explanatory notes--thumbnail.jpg 
Results 1-24 of 24 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).
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