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Title: Annual report Northern Cement gypsum mining claims
Title Holder / Company: Northern Cement
Report id: CR2001-0355
Tenure: MCC205;  MCC206;  MCC207;  MCC208;  MCC983;  MCC984;  MCC985;  MCC986;  MCC987;  MCC988;  MCC989;  MCC990
Year: 2001
Abstract: This is a collection of documents relating to the renewal of Northern Cement's gypsum mining claims on Alexandria Station. It includes the term of proposed renewal, checks on the pegging of the claims, and a tabulated history of tonnes won from these claims and delivered to the Mataranka Lime Plant, month by month, from 1990 to 1999. This shows deliveries of material removed from the stockpiles on the claims varied from 1,652 tonnes in 1991 to 7,260 in 1996. The total over the 10 year period was 42,500 tonnes.
Date Added: 27-Jan-2016
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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