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Title: Final report on EL 7269, 18 June 1991 to 10 September 1999 and EL 7228, 14 January 1991 to 10 September 1999
Title Holder / Company: Ashton Mining
Report id: CR2000-0005
Tenure: EL7269;  EL7228
Year: 1999
Author: Thompson, B
Abstract: This report details work undertaken over the entire licences including unrelinquished portions that have been incorporated within SEL 9779. A kimberlite breccia pipe has been discovered on EL 7228. Work has been focused on follow-up sampling to the south of the breccia pipe. Bulk- stream sampling confirmed the prospectivity of the area. The work included bulk-stream sampling, loam sampling, gas vapour sampling, vegetation sampling and RAB RC and diamond drilling. Drilling did not intersected kimberlites. Geophysical survey included GEOTEM and Helimag surveys has been completed over the prospective area and several drill targets were selected from the surveying but failed to intersect kimberlite. The area remains prospective due to unexplained diamond and chromite occurrences.
Date Added: 13-Nov-2015
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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