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Title: Annual report MCN 1030 to 1034, MCN 1642, MCN 1643, and MCN 2519 The Ringwood Prospect
Title Holder / Company: Hamilton, GP
Report id: CR1996-0027
Tenure: MCN1030;  MCN1031;  MCN1032;  MCN1033;  MCN1034;  MCN1642;  MCN1643;  MCN2519
Year: 1996
Author: Flood, M
Abstract: 154 rock chip samples were collected. 14 returned values in excess of 1g-t Au with a maximum value of 22.25g-t Au. Results suggest that veining is often barren with localised high grade zones.
Date Added: 23-Mar-2015
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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