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Title: Group annual report for the period ending 18 February 2012, EL 26226 Singleton, EL 26227 Shirley Creek, EL 26228 Wycliffe Creek
Title Holder / Company: NuPower Resources
Report id: CR2012-0131
Tenure: EL26226;  EL26227;  EL26228
Year: 2012
Author: Davey, G
Abstract: In early 2011 a preliminary phosphate drilling programme for the Wycliffe Creek tenement was designed. Three days of fieldwork were undertaken to refine the drill planning in July 2011 with the intention of carrying out the drilling in late 2011. Due to delays in drilling of the NuPower Arganara tenement, this didn't eventuate. The aims of the 2011 fieldwork were to: Better define the contact between Proterozoic rocks (to the north) with the Cambrian sequence to the south; Look for any Cambrian outcrop in the area and sample any which seemed phosphate-prospective; and check out access for the drill rig. Unfortunately no Cambrian outcrop was found in the area and the contact with the Proterozoic rocks could not be better defined. The 1:250,000 geological map was found to be quite accurate and no further outcrop of Proterozoic rocks could be found. Drill bore logs were examined, but they proved inconclusive in that it was difficult to distinguish Tertiary deposits from the underlying Cambrian. One fact that was realized was that the phosphate intersected in a bore at Wycliffe Well is almost certainly within Tertiary rocks rather than Cambrian. This downgrades the prospectivity of the area a little. Access to the drill lines is good with the Stuart Highway running through the area and a number of station tracks. The holes are on lines 6km apart and are spaced at 500m intervals along these lines. They will most likely be drilled by RAB.
Date Added: 23-Mar-2015
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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