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Title: Altjawarra Craton Diamond Project, Annual report for period ending 30 April 2001 EL 22528 Mount Ultim EL 22537 Dulcie
Title Holder / Company: Elkedra Diamonds
Report id: CR2002-0121
Tenure: EL22528;  EL22537
Year: 2001
Author: Tompkins, LA
Abstract: The report summarises exploration during the reporting period including sampling programs, ground magnetic surveys and geophysical interpretation. Of all stream sediment samples reported to date, 11 reported positive for chromite and confirm open file data results. Results defined three drainage anomalies. A single microdiamond was recovered from loam sampling over eromagnetic target, follow up drilling is planned. A total of 26 anomalies were identified after aeromagnetic interpretation. Some of the anomalies had coincident geomorphic features and these became higher priority anomalies. One ground magnetic survey was carried out over aeromagnetic anomaly CWN -017 and this anomaly will be drill-tested during the next reporting period. Chromites analyses indicate that they are not sourced from regional crustal rocks and are derived from deeper upper mantle source rocks. Further work is required.
Date Added: 20-Oct-2014
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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