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Title: Annual report for EL 25169
Title Holder / Company: Newera Uranium
Report id: CR2011-0908
Tenure: EL25169
Year: 2011
Author: Munckton, J
Abstract: Re-analysis of Tanami Exploration 2001 RAB drilling results, in light of the subsequent VTEM survey of the area and 2009 Oneva rockchip sampling, in order to highlight areas of interest. Southern Geoscience were also employed to further investigate a possible circular feature within the tenement. A subsequent further review of the tenement was also completed before a partial relinquishment within the period. A number of areas of interest have been highlighting within the tenement. The possible circular feature was better explained by a series of faults and folds rather than an ex-halative vent.
Date Added: 19-Jun-2014
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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