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Title: Officer-Solitaire Project, Combined annual report GR290, 19 March 2012 to 18 March 2013
Title Holder / Company: Deep Yellow
Report id: CR2013-0262
Tenure: EL10223;  EL25097;  EL25155;  EL25177;  EL25212;  EL27140;  EL27141;  EL27334
Year: 2013
Author: Gee, G
Abstract: There was no on-ground exploration conducted during the reporting period. During the previous reporting period, DYL completed an initial reconnaissance of EL 10223 (Cornelius), just before the wet season curtailed access. (Bridgewater 2012). This reconnaissance produced some encouraging results. Uranium (carnotite) mineralisation was located at surface. A ground radiometric survey confirmed the airborne anomalism and revealed widespread, subtle radiometric anomalism (around 2x background). Two geochemical samples showed a pronounced positive radiometric disequilibrium; indicating more uranium present than would be expected from the radiometric intensity.
Date Added: 18-Jun-2014
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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