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Title: Annual Report for Alalgara EL 28495 for the period 5 September 2011 to 4 September 2012
Title Holder / Company: Northern Mining
Report id: CR2012-0849
Tenure: EL28495
Year: 2012
Author: Green, M
Abstract: Northern Mining Limited's Manganese project started in 2010 when two manganese outcrops were discovered on Northern Mining's tenure in the Amadeus Basin. Immediately after the discovery, Northern Mining pegged additional tenements to cover adjacent prospective areas, which included EL 28495. No field work was completed on EL 28495 during the first year of tenure because a work area clearance was being undertaken around the discovery outcrops to permit drilling. It was decided that regional field exploration would not start until sub-surface extensions of the manganese discoveries had been confirmed. An Authority Certificate was issued by the Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority (AAPA) on 25 July 2012, after submission of the application in January 2011. A Mine Management Plan (MMP) and Risk Management Plan (RMP) have been submitted to the relevant authorities, so hopefully drilling can commence within calendar 2012.
Date Added: 5-Mar-2014
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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