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Title: Final report on the 1977 dry season exploration programme on Mineral lease applications over EL 130
Title Holder / Company: Pancontinental Mining
Report id: CR1978-0010
Tenure: EL130
Year: 1978
Abstract: An exploration programme was carried out between 22 August and 2 December, 1977 on Mineral Lease Applications covering parts of Exploration License 130, Northern Territory which expired on 12 June, 1977. The exploration programme included ground magnetometer surveys, percussion drilling and core drilling over four years. Further uranium mineralization was indicated at the Arrarra Fault, Injardil and Marrarri. The mineralization on the Arrarra Fault was defined with the limits being bounded by faults in the north and pinching out of the schist in the east, west and south. The mineralization at Injardil was not defined and the area to the north, south and west is still considered to have potential for uranium mineralization. At Marrarri all extensions of the mineralization discovered in 1976 were tested but no continuity was indicated either along strike or down dip. A total of 24 mineral leases were pegged in May, 1977 in addition-to those pegged in 1976.
Date Added: 3-Feb-2014
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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