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Title: Final report on the 1976 dry season exploration program on EL 130
Title Holder / Company: Pancontinental Mining
Report id: CR1977-0053
Tenure: EL130
Year: 1977
Abstract: An exploration programme was carried out between May 24 and November 10, 1976 over Exploration Licence 130, Northern Territory. Exploration Licence 130 was renewed in June, 1976 and consisted then of 120 square kilometres. An intensive field programme was undertaken and covered most of the Exploration Licence. Surveys included radiometerics, resistivity and magnetics together with geological mapping. A backhoe was used to excavate trenches which were surveyed both geologically and radiometrically. Field mapping results were supported by auger drilling using a Gemco 210A. A total of 4,209 metres, (51 holes), was drilled during the season. An Ingersoll Rand T4 percussion rig was used and all anomalous samples were assayed on a one metre interval. Stratigraphic core drilling was undertaken over three areas and 778.9 metres were drilled in 4 holes using a Longyear 38 and Boyles drill rig. Drilling indicated uranium mineralization on map sheets VIII G, VII G, VII F, VI J and I E. Survey work carried out over EL 130 included establishment of permanent survey stations, on the Australian Mapping Grid System and the pegging of 53 mineral leases (818 hectares) over the most prospective areas.
Date Added: 3-Feb-2014
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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