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Title: Partial relinquishment report EL 27369 Mt Russell, year 2 2010 to 2011
Title Holder / Company: Riding Resources
Bralich Holdings
Report id: CR2011-1247
Tenure: EL27369
Year: 2011
Author: O'Farrell, D
Abstract: EL 27369 lies 100 km north-east of Alice Springs, and encompasses a portion of the Hale River east of Claraville homestead. Originally a negative magnetic anomaly coinciding with an interpreted large lineament was the reason for lodging an application licence here. However first year work showed little alteration or mineralisation associated with this structure. A new target was required. Second year work concentrated on the REE potential. Previous workers highlighted the Paradise Well area as being a source of monzonite and allanite (upto 10% REE-Th). No sample locations were given, nor was there any useful guide as to where the samples were from. This still remains a mystery. In response, year 2 work followed up the REE leads. NTGS airborne thorium anomalies were ground inspected with no anomalous thorium observed. 9 soil samples wre taken from the relinquished blocks.
Date Added: 28-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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