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Title: Final relinquishment report for the period 21 October 2005 to July 2011 EL 24566 Ngalia Thrust
Title Holder / Company: UXA Resources
Report id: CR2011-0747
Tenure: EL24566
Year: 2011
Author: Walter, M
Abstract: Exploration Licence 24566 Ngalia Thrust, was acquired by UXA Resources Limited primarily to explore for uranium mineralisation. The tenement was granted to UXA on 21 October 2005 for six years. Work conducted by UXA since the commencement of tenure has included; historical data compilation, rock chip sampling, soil sampling, aerial radiometric and magnetic survey, geological mapping, diamond drilling and data review. As a result of a review of the previous year's data no further drilling was recommended at Anomaly B as well as no further work on any of the other ironstone and quartz veins on the EL as the veins and ironstone that occur in the best part of the radiometric anomalies contain no significant Uranium mineralisation at surface. A decision therefore was made to relinquish the exploration licence in its entirety.
Date Added: 28-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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EL24566_2011_R_02_QemscanReport.pdf5.33 MBPDF Add
EL24566_2011_R_03_AirborneLogisticsReport.pdf2.02 MBPDF Add
EL24566_2011_R_04_SEMreport.pdf3.39 MBPDF Add
EL24566_2011_R_05_PetrographyReport.pdf73.6 kBPDF Add
EL24566_2011_R_06_ConsultantsReport.pdf8.99 MBPDF Add
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