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Title: Annual and final report for EL 24547 Nonouba 17 August 2007 to 4 July 2011
Title Holder / Company: Deep Yellow
Report id: CR2011-0641
Tenure: EL24547
Year: 2011
Author: Bridgwater, HL
Abstract: The Nonouba area was previously explored for uranium by Uranerz from 1972-1983. Uranerz identified two prospects, Daria and Nonouba, and returned assays up to 1,900 ppm U3O8 over 0.5m, hosted by carbonaceous-pyritic Undandita Sandstone. The target was roll front uranium mineralisation as delineated at the Angela-Pamela project of Paladin/Cameco. This annual and final report documents the exploration activities undertaken by DYL from grant on 17 August 2007 to 4 July 2011, when the tenement was surrendered outright. Activities included an RC drilling programme following a site clearance survey by the Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority. No significant uranium intersections were returned during the exploration programme.
Date Added: 28-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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