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Title: Annual report Yatjal project EL 27633 for the period 9 April 2010 to 8 April 2011
Title Holder / Company: Royal Resources
Report id: CR2011-0233
Tenure: EL27633
Year: 2011
Author: Faris, I
Abstract: During the reporting period, Royal Resources Limited undertook a historical report review, obtaining copies of all the historical reports and commencing assembling into a database. Regional gravity and magnetic surveys were subset and reprocessed for the project area and drilling programmes were developed. Field activities are suspended pending a heritage survey clearance being finalised. Quaternary sands, subcrop and outcrop of the Mt Eclipse Sandstone cover the area with major buried Tertiary channels exist below the sands. From reprocessing of the published gravity and airborne magnetic data, it is evident that the Yuendumu Fault cuts through the northern edge of the Licence area rather than the centre as previously thought, based on published maps. Recent airborne EM survey images indicate Tertiary channels draining southwards from within EL 27633. The channel distribution within the Licence area is not clear. Drilling further east has intersected uranium mineralisation associated with these channels and the channels will become the focus of future programs.
Date Added: 28-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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