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Title: Annual and final report for EL 24824
Title Holder / Company: Argive Investments
Report id: CR2010-1055
Tenure: EL24824
Year: 2010
Author: Nicholls, B
Abstract: EL 24824 was pegged in 2005 as 89 blocks based on downloaded NASA data. It is located southwest of Lake Neale. No target commodity was ever specified to the Department but it is believed to be gold based on information given at folio 43. The EL has never been explored and with no expenditure other than paperwork. The reason was that the Central Land Council never cleared this area for exploration relating to Sacred Sites. The CLC would not allow access. It was the least important area and the reducing time made it obvious that it was unnecessary to retain it.
Date Added: 28-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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