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Title: Combined relinquishment report for EL 23923 'Mt Treachery' and EL 23924 'Anmatjira', from 1 June 2004 to 31 May 2007, Reynolds Range Project
Title Holder / Company: Tanami Exploration
Report id: CR2007-0339
Tenure: EL23923;  EL23924
Year: 2007
Author: Rohde, C
Abstract: Tanami Gold NL identified the potential for Palaeoproterozoic gold mineralisation in the basement rocks of the Napperby and Reynolds Range areas in 2001. EL's 23923 and 23924 were both granted on 1 June 2004 to Tanami Exploration NL (TENL), a wholly owned subsidiary of Tanami Gold NL (TGNL), a publicly listed company. After three years of tenure partial relinquishments were completed on both tenements. Exploration on the relinquished areas is the subject of this report. EL's 23923 and 23924 lie in Central Australia approximately 250 km north-northeast of Alice Springs. They are situated near the boundary of the Arunta Region and the Southern Georgina Basin. Exploration consisted of a regional desk top study, regolith mapping and field reconnaissance with one rockchip sample taken on EL 23924. No elevated gold value was returned.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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