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Title: 2006 Annual report for MCS 38 Gheko Prospect
Title Holder / Company: Queensland Energy Resources
Report id: CR2006-0667
Tenure: MCS38
Year: 2006
Author: Pope, GJ
Abstract: Gossanous, low grade, hematite-actinolite and meta-carbonate hosted, zinc-lead mineralisation was first discovered at Gheko in 1969 as a result of stream sediment sampling on the former ATP 1721. MCS 38 was acquired by Queensland Energy Resources Ltd in late 2004. No exploration work was carried out during the reporting year up to March 2007. All geological data and the commodity prices for copper, zinc and lead have been reviewed. JV discussions began in 2007 and a consultant geologist was commissioned to write a report.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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