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Title: Annual and final report on EL 24576 covering the period 7 December 2005 to 6 December 2006
Title Holder / Company: Aldershot Resources
Report id: CR2006-0524
Tenure: EL24576
Year: 2006
Author: Ellison, P
Thompson, D
Abstract: The tenement covers the strike extensions of known uranium mineralisation on the other side of the Cullen Granite to the 15 km southeast at Cleo, Twin and Dam and within the Masson Formation. Exploration by Total Mining Australia Pty Ltd defined two main mineralised zones and several minor occurrences within an area 400 m wide and 1800 m long. In the area of the deposits, carbonaceous and chloritic shale, chert and dolostone of the Golden Dyke Formation occur at the margin of the Cullen Batholith. Mineralisation is controlled by steeply dipping north- and north-northwest-trending faults and comprises narrow, closely spaced veins of uraninite within and on the margins of the faults. Alteration consists of chlorite, sericite and hematite. Secondary mineralisation consists of bassetite, coffinite and meta-autunite. There are no known uranium occurrences in the area of the tenement package but several gold prospects. Large primary structures appear to be lacking. Uranium source rocks appear to be minimal in the area. Fragmented tenure with limited areal extent are constraining factors to exploration success. The title was considered for farm-out but has been surrendered.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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