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Title: Annual report on exploration activities year one of tenure 25 November 2005 to 24 November 2006
Title Holder / Company: Gravity Diamonds
Report id: CR2006-0520
Tenure: EL24634
Year: 2006
Abstract: EL 24634 forms part of a major diamond exploration enterprise in the Northern Territory initiated by Gravity Diamonds (then Gravity Capital) in 2003. The foundation of this enterprise has been a farmin agreement between Rio Tinto Exploration Pty Ltd ('Rio Tinto') and Diamond Mines Australia Pty Ltd ('DMA', a 100%-owned subsidiary of Gravity Diamonds) covering numerous Rio Tinto-controlled tenements and applications in the Northern Territory. Under this agreement, DMA has conducted diamond exploration over the tenements utilising the recently-developed Falcon(tm) airborne gravity gradiometer system, which has been shown to be very effective in detecting kimberlite pipes. Gravity has also acquired a significant tenement holding in its own right in the NT. The initial Falcon(tm) programs in 2003 resulted in the discovery of a kimberlite pipe within the 'Abner Range' survey area, some 35 kilometres northeast of EL 24634, and this led Gravity to apply for a number of areas in proximity to the discovery. During year 1 of tenure the company acquired and assessed all open file data on the area and planned a field program for 2007
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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