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Title: Report on blocks relinquished at the conclusion of year 3 period ending 18 August 2006 EL 23772 Mount Young
Title Holder / Company: Gravity Diamonds
Report id: CR2006-0468
Tenure: EL23772
Year: 2006
Abstract: Field inspection of potential kimberlite targets within EL 23772 was carried out in October 2005 as part of a helicopter-supported sampling program focussed on priority Falcon target areas in neighbouring tenements. A number of locations of interest were visited, but no appropriate sample sites were located. Owing to this limited encouragement during the 2005 season and a prolonged 'wet season' in the early part of 2006, 50% of the tenement area was relinquished in July 2006.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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