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Title: Annual exploration report for EL 23390, 22 April 2005 to 21 April 2006
Title Holder / Company: Astro Diamond Mines
Report id: CR2006-0325
Tenure: EL23390
Year: 2006
Author: Washburn, K
Bowyer, L
Abstract: Exploration carried out over the EL23390 during the reporting period included the acquisition of geological, topographic and geophysical data, GIS compilations and data reviews, compilation of openfile data. The geochemical results were uniformly low except for BCRK 019 which consistently showed elevated values in most elements. This sample also contained relative high remobilised iron oxides which presumably had a scavenging effect. The base metal contents were all low. The uranium results are background values for sedimentary rocks however the sample BCRK 019 returned 14ppm uranium which is above background. The sandstones were probably feldspathic originally, and are now typically very bleached and porous due to weathering (alteration?). This could lead to leaching and re-deposition at lower levels. The fact that BCRK 019 is elevated in uranium suggests that remobilisation has occurred. The geology of the area is interesting, with a granite displaying strong radiometric responses adjacent to porous sandstones which also display high radiometric responses. This is similar to other sediment-hosted uranium deposits and warrants further work.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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EL23390_2006_A_05_Assays.pdf849.03 kBPDF Add
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