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Title: Relinquishment report on blocks dropped at the conclusion of year three of tenure, period ending 25 September 2005
Title Holder / Company: Gravity Diamonds
Report id: CR2005-0536
Tenure: EL22732
Year: 2005
Abstract: EL 22732 'Mt Young' was acquired by Gravity Capital Limited from BHP Billiton soon after it was granted, as part of a diamond exploration venture involving Gravity, Gravity's 100%- owned subsidiary, Diamond Mines Australia Pty Ltd and BHP Billiton. These companies also have a diamond exploration arrangement with Rio Tinto Exploration covering a large number of Rio Tinto-controlled tenements in the Northern Territory. During the second year of tenure, on the basis of encouraging diamond sampling data from nearby tenements, a Falcon airborne gravity gradiometer survey was flown over a substantial part of the Mt Young tenement. The field survey was completed in September, 2003 and acquired a total of 5153 linear kilometres of gravity gradiometer, magnetics, and laser scanner data. Approximately 25% of this survey was contained within EL 22732. The area covered by the survey does not fall within the areas relinquished from EL 22732. Detailed interpretation, anomaly ranking and exploration targeting from the Falcon data by Gravity Capital was completed during 2004. Gravity Capital Ltd changed its name to Gravity Diamonds Ltd late in 2004 to reflect its sole emphasis on diamond exploration and development. This Report is in respect of the ninety-six (96) blocks relinquished from EL 22732 at the conclusion of Year 3.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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