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Title: Whirlwind Diamond Project Third Annual Technical Report EL 10409, 10 October 2004 to 9 October 2005
Title Holder / Company: Tawana Resources
Report id: CR2005-0424
Tenure: EL10409
Year: 2005
Author: Cooper, SA
Marx, WT
Belousova, EA
Abstract: The Whirlwinds Diamond Project is located approximately 350 kilometres SSW of Darwin, straddling both the Millik Monmir (4967) and Auvergne (4966) 1:100,000 map sheets. It is centered approximately 25 kilometres northwest of the small township of Timber Creek, over the generally topographically flat area known as Whirlwind Plain. The project consists of Exploration Licence 10409 covering an area of 569 square kilometres. This Licence, granted to Tawana Resource NL on the 10 October 2002, is subject to the 'Top End - Memorandum of Understanding' with the Northern Land Council. The main target is diamonds within the extensive alluvial plains, but there is also the added possibility of concealed diamondiferous intrusions hidden below the alluvium. Exploration completed during the current reporting period included an extensive gravity survey across Whirlwind Plains, together with comprehensive interpretation. The first initial results from the TerraneChron study sample were received, with full report due soon.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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