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Title: Year 1 annual report for EL 24081 'Taylor Creek', for the period 20 July 2004 to 19 July 2005
Title Holder / Company: Continental Nickel
Goldstream Mining
Report id: CR2005-0285
Tenure: EL24081
Year: 2005
Author: Manzi, B
Barrett, F
Abstract: Exploration Licence 24081 'Taylor Creek' is located approximately 160km south of Tennant Creek in the Northern Territory. The licence was initially granted to Anglo American Exploration (Australia) Pty Ltd and then transferred to Continental Nickel NL, a fully owned subsidiary of Goldstream Mining NL on 8 September 2004. During the reporting period 20th July 2004 to 19th July 2005, no field exploration activities were conducted. Previous exploration conducted in the lease area has been assessed to determine target areas for future exploration. The bulk of the licence remains effectively untested with previous exploration restricted to the margin areas of the licence. Ground geophysical and geochemical surveys are planned for the next field season.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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