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Title: EL 22919 Indiana - Harts Range Project, 1 October 2003 - 30 September 2004
Title Holder / Company: Tanami Gold
Report id: CR2004-0556
Tenure: EL22919
Year: 2004
Abstract: A regional geological assessment of the Harts Range Group identified a number of ultramafic bodies in EL 22919 but they were considered too small to host economic PGE deposits. The possible extension of the Illogwa retrograde shear zone into the SW corner of the lease is prospective for epithermal Arltunga-Winnecke style copper-gold mineralisation. The prospectivity will be need to re-evaluated if the Harts Range Group are metamorphosed Centralian Superbasin sediments.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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